Hem / Produkter / Laboratorieutrustning / Mikroskop / Stereomikroskop för industrin / DZ series
Normalt 2-3 veckors leveranstid
- Binokulära och trinokulära modeller
- Flexibel konstruktion med många alternativ, möjlighet att bygga ihop helt applikationsanpassade modeller
- Kan fås med extremt hög förstoringsgrad, upp till 320x
- Arbetsdistans 33-126 mm
- Ergonomiskt tiltbart huvud, EWF10X/22 mm okular
- Påfallande LED-ljus eller genomlysning med LED-ljus
- Tre zoomobjektiv i följd ger förstoring från 4x upp till 320x
- Många alternativ vad gäller stativ
- Kan fås med 100 W EPI-fluorescens kvicksilvergasurladdningslampa
- 6 standardmodeller, kan även fås i applikationsanpassat utförande
- 10 års garanti
De modulära stereomikroskopen i DZ-serien kombinerar ergonomi med mycket högupplöst optik. Välj mellan modeller i standardutförande eller sätt själv ihop ditt egna system med ett stort urval av centrala zoomenheter, okular, stativ och tillbehör.
6 standardutföranden finns tillgängliga med förstoring mellan 8x och 80x. Andra konfigureringar är möjliga med förstoring mellan 4x och 160x funt zoomenheterna DZ.1000, DZ.0800 och DZ.0630.
Det finns också möjlighet att utrusta mikroskopet med en fluorescensenhet med 100 W EPI-ljuskälla för studier av bland annat ryggradsdjurs utveckling och genfunktion, teratologi, genetik och miljövetenskap.
The modern DZ stereomicroscopes are modular configured around a central zoom body. The first with a 1:6,3 zoom ratio, a second with a 1:8 zoom ratio and a third with a 1:10 zoom ratio. The DZ modular microsope - with his Extra Wide Field eyepieces, Plan Apochromatic 0.5x, 1x and 2x common objectives, the ergonomical stereo head with 5-35° inclined tubes or a fix stereohead with 20° inclined tubes, stand with incident and transmitted LED illuminations - belongs together with the Euromex D series, to the top stereomicroscopes of Euromex
Pair of EWF 10x/22 mm eyepieces
Ergonomic binocular 5-35° tilting head. Binocular 20° tilted head. Diopter ± 5 adjustment on both eyepieces. Interpupillary distance from 55 to 75 mm. Photo ports for one or two cameras
Three central zoom units are available:
- 1:6.3 for total magnifications from 8 to 50x
- 1:8 for total magnifications from 8 to 64x
- 1:10 for total magnifications from 8 to 80x
Standard configurations are supplied with a plan apochromatic Common Main objective 1x, working distance 78 mm. Other plan apochromatic Common Main objectives 0.5x (working distance 126 mm) and 2x (working distance 33 mm) are also available. All optics have an anti-reflection coating for maximum light throughput and are anti-fungus treated
Large ergonomic stand with ø 100 mm object plate and 2 object clamps. Coarse adjustment with adjustable friction. A universal stand and an articulated arm stand without illumination are also available for configurations built to customer’s specifications
The transmitted and incident 3 W LED illuminations are supplied with a built-in 100-240 V power supply. Both illuminators can be used simultaneously and the light intensities can be adjusted separately
Supplied with power cord, dust cover, a spare fuse and user manual. All packed in a polystyrene box
All 6 standard configurations are equipped with EWF10x/22mm eyepieces, plan achromatic Common Main objective 1x. All 6 standard configurations are equipped with rack & pinion stand with incident and transmitted LED illumination
A customized DZ series stereo microscope can be configured to customer’s specifications by choosing one of the three central zoom units DZ.0630, DZ.0800 or DZ.1000 and adding the necessary components for the application. Pair of eyepieces, an ergonomically 5 to 35° tilting head or fix 20° inclined head, a common 0.5x, 1x or 2x main objective, a large ergonomic LED stand, a boom or an articulated arm stand.
Other accessories like a photo/camera unit or dual iris diaphragm can complete the configuration
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