Hem / Produkter / Inkubatorer / Kylinkubatorer / LI-P-serien små kylinkubatorer med peltierkylning

Temperature range from ambient +10℃to 40℃.
- Contrary to conventional compressor-cooled incubators, peltier cooling technology generates little vibration, noise, and heat.
Microprocessor PID control /Temperature calibration / Automatic tuning.
Adjustable 3-step fan speed with defrosting time and period control.

Space-saving design allows even the smaller (14L) unit to hold two 1000mL Erlenmeyer flasks.
Intuitive control panel with bright LED display. (0.1℃resolution)
Dual wait on/off timer modes. (1 min. to 99 hr. 59 min.)
Convenient preset function for 3 most commonly used temperature settings.
Up to 9 temperature steps and maximum 200 cycles of repetition programmable for each profile.
Convenient sample monitoring without affecting chamber temperature via the inner tempered-glass door.
Environment-friendly insulation material (EPDM) used for safety and convenience. (compliant with ASTM-C534 specification)
RS-232 interface for external control and data collection.

Automatic run after power interruption.
Keypad lock function prevents accidental changes during operation.
Over-temperature and over-current protection.
Audible and visible open door alarms.

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