Hem / Produkter / Ugnar / Muffelugnar / Värmeskåp / Ugnar med intern fläkt / OF3-serien stora ugnar mellan 314 och 760 liter

Rapid heating performance up to maximum 200°C or 300°C, depending on model.
Microprocessor PID control.
Three point temperature calibration / Automatic tuning.
Forced air convection generated by two noiseless and powerful sirocco fans ensures optimal air circulation, temperature uniformity, and short heat-up time.
Adjustable dual slide vents for inner vapor circulation.
Energy efficiency is achieved thanks to optimization of the insulation system.
- Even if the unit is operating at max. temperature, the surface of the unit doesn’t allow high temperatures.

Optimum model selection is available according to two different types of control panel.
- Intuitive touch screen LCD controller with easy icons and logical menus. (for OF3P/HP programmable models)
Dual wait on/off timer modes. (1 min. to 99 hr. 59 min.)
Convenient presetting function for 3 most commonly used temperature settings.
Rounded inner chamber corners for easy cleaning and optimal airflow.
Corrosion-resistant incoloy sheath heating element and stainless steel interior.
Threefold tempered-glass window provides clear inside view of the chamber. (optional)
USB port and RS-232 port for external control and data collection.
Casters for easy mobility during installation or relocation.

Keypad lock function prevents accidental changes during operation.
Automatic run after power interruption.
Over-temperature and over-current protection.
Audible and visible open door alarms.

Programmable models (OF3-P/PH) for intelligent program control
10 programs available for temperature ramp up and dwell control.
10 steps per a program and 99 hours 59 minutes per a step.
Stored programs are easily linkable.
Programs can be repeated up to 99 cycles.
Pre-heating and heating time are settable before program starts.

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